Re: [pdfmod] About new documents created "from scratch"

Yes I thought in a "New document" item :) , but i don't know if it's a good idea or not. (to me it will be useful)

2009/9/8 Gabriel Burt <gabriel burt gmail com>
On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 12:41 PM, CaStarCo<castarco gmail com> wrote:
> Hello, I have a qüestion. I've seen that Pdf Mod not allows the user to
> create a new Pdf from scratch ( if I want to compose a new pdf with multiple
> pages but only once per source I have to open a file and delete all of its
> pages except the page that i want ).
> ¿It's desirable that the users could create pdf documents from scratch?

It's an interesting idea that's worth talking about/exploring.  Some
user's might not realize they can just modify one of the documents and
then Save As (b/c that's now how they envision the workflow).  Were
you thinking it would take the shape of a "New Document" item under

> P.D.: I'm sorry for the time wasted in the last "bug" with the "new window"
> option :p .

You weren't wasting anybody's time; your ideas and patches are welcome
and valued.  Sometimes I may not understand a proposal entirely and
need some time and further explanation to see its value, and other
times I might not think it's the right thing to do.  Sorry if I am
sometimes a bit direct (and harsh seeming) in challenging/vetting
ideas; I appreciate that you care enough to propose them.

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