[pdfmod] requesting your input on releases, etc

Hey everybody,

== Releases ==
Anybody have an opinion or suggestion for how we could do releases?
Time based, feature based, what version numbers, etc?

I like having pretty regular releases, at least for another couple
while translations roll in and build issues are worked out.  That
could take us to 0.5, 0.6, maybe 0.7.

A few things I'd want to see before a 1.0:
* save tmp files to the XDG cache dir, and do a better job cleaning them up
* lots of testing by lots of people, ideally a natural consequence of
getting pdfmod packaged for other distros
* at least a week or two or string freeze for translators to get things updated
* have no binaries in the repo or tarball (Hyena and poppler-sharp)

Any other features (including cropping/margins adjustment) would be
nice to have, but I don't think should block it.  Does everybody think
it's reasonable to have a 1.0 in a month or two?

== Other ==
Any opinions on proposing pdfmod for inclusion in the GNOME desktop?
Sandy, I'd be especially interested in your input on this.

Any other advice, input, or questions?



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