Re: Proposing new ostreedev/ Rust repositories: ostree-ext and ostree-container

On Fri, Apr 9, 2021, at 3:48 PM, Felix Krull via ostree-list wrote:

Nothing at this point, actually. I was messing around with
OSTree-izing Debian-based things, but I didn't work on it for a while
and then mostly started using other distributions.

*waves hands around crystal ball* I'm seeing some... NixOS? =)

Honestly, it's less actual availability and more not stressing myself
out by committing to things even when I would much rather do something
else. How about "yes" to the reviewer thing for now and we'll see how
it goes.

Sounds good!  Would be great if you're able to; I'm still getting up to speed a bit on some of the gtk-rs 
stuff for example.  But no worries if not.

Ok, I added you to both crates. (Team owners can't change owners
themselves, so having another full owner is probably a good idea.) I
tried adding the crates team, but didn't let me. I think the
permissions on the org might be insufficient, could you double-check?

I think I got this working:

$ cargo owner --add github:ostreedev:crates ostree
    Updating index
       Owner team github:ostreedev:crates has been added as an owner of crate ostree

I'm going to see about spinning new releases sometime this week as a test, maybe even a "double" coordinated 
release of ostree and ostree-rs.  Is there anything in particular you think I need to know?

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