Re: Planning live ostree contributors/users meeting next week

On Thu, Oct 1, 2020, at 5:09 PM, Colin Walters wrote:
I think it could be useful for some of the contributors (and users) of 
ostree to have a periodic live meetup.  

This was pretty successful I think!  Thank you everyone who came.  Not sure about when would be best to 
schedule the next one - monthly feels a bit too frequent?  But we can always do targeted "breakouts" with a 
smaller set of people.  For example, in particular I am sure the work on ed25519 signing would have been 
greatly accelerated with a real-time meeting.

I wrote up some quick notes for this one (not at all comprehensive)

# ostree contributor meeting 20201007 summary

- Introductions
- A lot of discussion of
  and the broader
  Colin floated the idea of having a dedicated flatpak ⇔ flathub API, potentially
  even a dynamic webserver to handle things like searching.
  Alex is going to look at what some of this would look like outside
  of ostree in the flatpak code.
- Discussion of the large size of size metadata, some consensus that we wanted to try to ensure people are 
getting deltas
- GPG key rotation discussion

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