Re: Adding Avahi and USB drive support to libostree

On Fri, 2017-03-31 at 14:46 -0400, Colin Walters wrote:
On Thu, Mar 30, 2017, at 08:03 PM, Philip Withnall wrote:

How rigorous is the structure for naming refs? 

One can't *parse* them as there's no requirement for where
e.g. the architecture lives, or whether the ref even has one.
But I think we've established a precedent that ensures they're
sufficiently unique.

Right, so we can assume they’re unique, opaque identifiers, which can
typically (but not necessarily) share some common prefix (though that
is seeming less useful if it can’t be guaranteed).

Would it make sense to document some recommendations for how we
strongly suggest refs should be named? (Does documentation like this
exist already?)

That said...there are some deep questions here, like for the
`org.gnome.Calculator/x86_64/stable` flatpak, what happens
if e.g. Endless ships a flatpak of it, and then one
adds the GNOME upstream remote?  (Or vice versa)

I don’t know what flatpak currently does in that situation, although I
believe it strongly binds each app to a single remote, so it probably
would not be happy with a second remote.

I think in the world I’m aiming for, adding the GNOME upstream remote
would just give libostree one more place to pull from *if* the OSTrees
hosted by Endless and GNOME were signed by the same key. If they were
not, adding the second remote should result in an error, and the
remotes should be treated as if they’re hosting completely different

Now, we could try to say that only flatpaks delivered via
GNOME can be org.gnome but without an enforcement mechanism
we're certainly going to end up in situations where there
are some conflicts.

I think we want to base this around key ownership, actually, and bind
that to domain ownership separately. i.e. Any flatpak which is signed
with the GNOME key is considered a GNOME flatpak (regardless of which
domain the OSTree repository is actually hosted on); and conversely a repository could host flatpaks signed with a non-GNOME key,
which would not be considered to be GNOME flatpaks. (This situation
would require two separate OSTree repositories on the same domain,
signed with different keys.)

I think that binding the keys to domain ownership would be part
convention (when you create a key, name it after a domain you have
control over) and part crypto (something like [OpenPGP Web Key

(Right?  Actually, I need to dive into this part of flatpak more...)

Me too.

Would it be possible to
use the common prefix of the refs as an advert? That would avoid
to generate some kind of UUID for the repository, but should also
the DNS-SD records are relatively small, assuming that each
typically contains high-related refs which share a common prefix.

Perhaps we could advertise a [Bloom filter](
of the set of refs?

Seems reasonable. For a false positive rate of 1%, that’s around 10b
per key. If we cap the bloom filter at 600b (which is roughly half the
maximum size of an mDNS packet), that’s space for 60 refs. If we let
the false positive rate go to 10%, that’s 5b per key, or 120 refs in
total. Both of those numbers seem in the right ballpark for the number
of refs in a repository, given that this is an optimisation.

In that case, the process for working out which peers to download
would be (ignoring internet and locally-mounted repositories for


Yep, agree with 1..5 there!

Thanks, I guess the next step is working out the API.

What we’ve ended up with is: a function which takes an OstreeRepo and 1
or more refs to update, and which does steps 1..5 (except actually
pulling from the repos), returning a set of URIs to pull from, which
can be treated as mirrors.

I’m thinking of implementing that behind an interface, which can have
multiple implementations: one for existing HTTPS remotes, one for
Avahi, one for USB. 

Note that this function doesn’t need to take a remote_name argument
except for looking up the details for HTTPS remotes. None of the keys
in a [remote "name"] section in /ostree/repo/config are relevant to
Avahi or USB lookups (for which GPG would be mandatory).

I’ll start implementing this and see how the API pans out. One
question: I’m thinking of making the API async (GAsyncResult) so many
queries can be run in parallel in the main loop easily. However, the
rest of the libostree API seems to be almost entirely synchronous.
What’s your preferred approach here? If I made the API asynchronous, it
could still be run synchronously in a separate GMainContext in a worker
thread if needed.

Step 4 could be optimised by including the commit timestamp as
additional metadata for each ref in the summary file, so we can
the commit checksums before downloading them. I don't know if
files routinely contain these timestamps already (it doesn't look
the EOS ones do).

Yeah; we can add metadata to the summary file but - my instincts
are telling me that what we have in 1..5 even without introducing
bloom filters is going to work fine on e.g. an 802.11b wireless
with 30 machines.  

OK. In any case, this seems like a good basis to work from, with the
metadata in the summary file as a nice way of extending things to

That would work well, and would complement what I put in step 2
having the summary timestamp in a DNS-SD record. 

I think we may want both the timestamp of the summary *and* the
timestamp of the newest commit.  But that said, again I'd
like to get to a first pass we know works and will be free of any
embarassingly bad flaws,
and revisit later optimizations based on more real-world results.


I'm not sold on the idea of an expected update time. That sounds
the kind of policy decision which should be made at a higher level
the stack (like gnome-software). When libostree is asked to resolve
repository to pull from, I think it should make a best effort at

Right.  The reason I mentioned this is I'd like to standardize an
attribute for this, since at least on the Fedora/CentOS/RHEL side
we have regular cadences, and it'd be useful to show in the UI.

Ah, that makes sense. I’m in favour of standardised metadata for the
expected update time (which I guess could also be considered a TTL for
cache data), just as long as the policy decisions on when to take it
into account are made at a higher level in the stack than libostree.

Yeah, definitely. One more thing to note is that DNS-SD records are
secure ...

Right, but if you have a hostile machine on the same local network,
can do lots of ugly other stuff like DNS/DHCP spoofing too unless
the network is specifically configured to prevent it.

Indeed. At this point, I think we need to make sure that the solution
we come up with is *possible* to make secure, but is not necessarily
bulletproof to begin with.


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