Re: privileged helper to pull ostree repos

On fre, 2016-04-01 at 12:43 +0200, Alexander Larsson wrote:
On Thu, 2016-03-31 at 11:17 -0400, Colin Walters wrote:
The use of a parent repo is similar to the alternatives, but it
supplies the objects. For a pull to work in the unprivileged repo it
need to also pick up the remote url and gpg configuration from the
system repo. Thus the patches above.

The custom url is for the final part, where we integrate the local
(untrusted) repo into the system repo. We need it to have the same
branch name (verified by the signed summary) and gpg config. But
ideally we should be able to do this pull without destructive updates
to the system repo like adding a new remote for the untrusted user
repo. I've attached a patch that lets you do this via:

git pull --url=local-repo-url remote-name

I disliked this approach. So I came up with another cleaner one.
With we can now handle gpg
verification during pull-local (assuming --remote= was specified),
which means we can use:

ostree pull-local --repo=system-repo --untrusted --gpg-verify
  --gpg-verify-summary --remote=origin local-shallow-repo some-branch

This will verify the summary signature (and thus the "some-branch"
name), as well as the remote commit.

In addition you really want to verify that the new commit is newer than
the old one, which you should do before commiting the pull transaction.

Attaching an example script that does the whole dance. (Note: you also
need the inherits-options PR)

 Alexander Larsson                                            Red Hat, Inc 
       alexl redhat com            alexander larsson gmail com 
He's a benighted arachnophobic cowboy on the hunt for the last specimen 
of a great and near-mythical creature. She's a strong-willed goth 
mercenary with an evil twin sister. They fight crime! 

Description: application/shellscript

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