Re: [orca-list] ATK now included in AT-SPI

Le 27/09/2022 à 11:45, Jace Kattalakkis via orca-list a écrit :
I was prompte too and very much concerned I'd break things.

Apparently not. Is there somewhere I can read up on what the changes are, how they impact Orca and the ATK stack? I'm wondering how this'll afect a lot of things going forward

There is actually no changes. See e.g.

This is merely a source code merge to make thinks simpler and ease testing, there is no actual changes related to it. Which actually might make things better going forward :)

I don't know how Arch is dealing with this, but it could have even kept all the packages identical and just have built them out of one repository instead of three. That's a distribution choice, they can just as well have one package installing the three libraries and it should all be fine.

Really, so long as the distribution doesn't mess it up, there should be no user-facing changes resulting of this.

There could have been other changes in the stack leading to bugs or so, but that's most likely orthogonal to the merge.


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