[orca-list] No Audio In Ubuntu

I booted one of my computers to Ubuntu, it is a dual-boot system, and there 
is no audio.
I can SSH into it, and it works otherwise, I used the iPhone app to hear the 
update I did in the terminal.
When I boot to windows, there is audio.
Via SSH, I did a command like:
amixer -c 0 set Master 100%
And I did the same command with unmute instead of 100%
I'm typing the command from memory, so if it does not appear right, I could 
have done it slightly differently.
I researched the commands on-line before entering them so I'd get them 
The readout says some things at 39% and some at 100% and something is on.
When I did it with zero and mute first, as some pages recommended, the 
information that came back reflected zero where the 100 was before and 
something was off.
So I think the audio is on and working, but something seems to be blocking 
I thought the laptop itself got muted with an FN and function key, but if 
that were the case, I would not have audio when booting into windows.
Thanks for any assistance.

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