Re: [orca-list] orca install from git

14.03.2022 22:38, Juan Hernandez via orca-list пишет:
So I am trying to update my orca to the latest bleeding edge version.
In the past I would just do a git pull, then ./configure… make , make install.
I’m running ubuntu 21.10, and I think it had orca 40.0 that came with it.
Is this the latest version of Orca?
No, it isn't. The latest version of Orca I believe is 42.0. I am not sure because I use it from master in my Arch system, it states as 42.0, but I am not sure if it was pulled to all repos of all distros officially.
Because when I install from git, I just get orca v40.0 as well.
Yes, this is a known thing in Ubuntu and all Debian based systems.
What happens is that system doesn't know what Orca to use, from repo or Orca we compiled from git. To fix that, we have to create a soft symlink from Python site-packages to Python dist-packages and it should work. The idea is to show the system that we want to use our installed packages by hand which are site-packages and not that the repos provide us which are dist-packages.
I might be wrong about the direction because I was always confusing it.
I hope that it can give you the direction where to go.
Thank you!
Best regards,

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