Re: [orca-list] Bookshare App?

The IOS app I mentioned, Read2Go, allows you to configure your Bookshare login credentials and to use them to search for and download books seamlessly. One time, I was sitting on a plane waiting for takeoff and I realized I hadn't gotten myself a book to listen to during the flight. I loaded Read2Go, typed "Jack London" into the search bar, double tapped "The Sea Wolf", and was listening to the book before the plane took off. I want it to be that easy in Linux.

The Bard Mobile app is another one. The user interface is considerably different from Read2Go but the feature list is similar. You can search for books and download them. There's a library feature which is essentially just a list of the books you've previously downloaded. You can keep books in your library for future reference or delete them after you've read them. While listening to a book, you can pause, rewind, fast forward, and navigate by chapters. The app just makes it easier than doing each step individually.

On 3/14/22 16:04, Al Sten-Clanton wrote:
I use Bookshare the same way on both our Windows box and my Linux box. Usually, I download the brf file, unzip it, and put it on one of our gismos with Braille displays.  Sometimes, though, I read it online via the "read now" or whatever link.

Since others doubtless use Bookshare differently (I'm used daisy just once), I'm curious what you would want the app to do?



On 3/14/22 16:48, SMax wrote:
I have started development of an app to use with BookShare. I spent only a few hours on it so far, I have to learn how to write python GUI apps. So I figure that even if I stop now, the time wasn't actually wasted. Is there already a Bookshare app for Linux?

From the Lone Wolf Scientific Research and Development Couch
SMax, smax lonewolfscientific biz

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