Re: [orca-list] Orca on the Raspbery Pie

I don't have a Pi 4, and have never tried setting up Orca on my Pi 2
or 3, but while the Pi 4 is reported to actually have the raw power to
use Orca effectively, reports on how well the Raspberry Pi
Foundation's effortsto make setting Orca up easy are mixed...

That said, as far as I know, posting to the Raspberry Vi mailing list
should just be a matter of sending an e-mail to:

raspberry-vi freelists org

Though admittedly, I'm not sure if it blocks e-mails from non-list
addresses and can't remember what I did to join.

Also, not sure how up-to-date it is, but I do have the following
tutorial bookmarked:

Which was written by one of the more prominent posters on Raspberry VI
if memory serves.

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