Re: [orca-list] pan left / pan right braille web content with text and links

Hi Joanie,
No problem I hope you enjoyed your well-deserved vacation.
I have updated to latest master branch code, 42 Alpha, and still
reproduce the issue.
I am using  Focus 40 Blue braille display with BRLTTY 6.4 on ArchLinux.
The issue is when I use pan left and right from braille display
keyboard only text navigation, If I press arrow key there is no problem
presenting the content. The only texts that is skipped are text links.

Thanks and Iwill keep investigating.

El lun, 03-01-2022 a las 15:02 +0100, Joanmarie Diggs escribió:
Hi Javier.

Sorry for the delay in responding!

I just tried your test case using Orca master and Firefox nightly and
wasn't able to reproduce it. I was able to pan through all the
in that section. Are you still seeing the same issue?


On Thu, 2021-12-09 at 20:11 +0100, Francisco Javier Dorado Martínez
orca-list wrote:
Hi guys
Hope you are fine.
I have just discovered a bad behaviour when browsing the web with a
braille display.
The same problem occurs with Chromium / Mozilla Firefox

Steps to reproduce:
1. Goto
2. Navigate E.G to "Other areas of Wikipedia" heading level 2
3. Press pan right command in braille display

Actual result:
Orca present 
"Community portal" and a one more pan right skip text and present
Expected results:
Orca should present whole text:
"Community portal – Bulletin board, projects, resources and
"covering a wide range of Wikipedia areas."

Orca debug file:

Many thanks and take care
Regards, Javier

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