[orca-list] New feature request


I would like to convert books to mp3 by Espeak voice. Chapters in scanned documents are market by Number (#) sign. So I would like to request function in Orca. Go to the first Number for example # Chapter 1. Press some hotkey to make a mark in the text. After that press CTRL F and write Chapter 2. When I am there, go to the last character of Chapter 1 and with another hotkey copy the selected text to the clipboard. Now open another document, paste text in that and convert first chapter to the mp3 by ffmpeg command, which I know due to help of people from Blinux list. I know, Fenrir has this function, but Fenrir can't be loaded in the desktop, only in console. So in Orca there would be nice to have this function too.

Thanks a lot.

Best regards


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