Re: [orca-list] VS Code questions

You can also access the status bar to identify the current column and row number, among other information.
To access the status bar you can press f6 until orca announce status bar or press the f1 key,  type 'focus status bar' and press enter.
Once the focus has moved to the status bar you can navigate between the various items using the arrow keys. Press the escape key twice to unfocus the status bar       

On 10/28/21 01:56, kk's Programming Hub via orca-list wrote:


For getting the line number it is a bith lengthy.

first press ctrl + g and then down arrow.

Orca will annnounce the line number.

To go to another line by number it's the same key combination, but instead of pressing the down arrow, you just enter the number and press enter.

I guess with indentation and justification, it's up to the Orca setting speak indentation in preferences.

On 28/10/21 3:15 am, Edhoari Setiyoso via orca-list wrote:


I installed VS Code yesterday and blown away by it's accessibility. Thank you for people working on both orca and VS Code :)

There are few questions I have that I wish someone could help:

  • How to get VS Code to speak indentation level
  • How to get VS Code to speak line number

Best Regards

Edhoari Setiyoso

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