[orca-list] Starting orca in fedora's live cd

Hello everyone,

I heard that fedora is accessible and it is good for beginners in linux.

So I decided to try it to see if it works for me.

I tried using Debian and arch. Debian seams fine for me, arch is too complicated for beginner.

As far as I read, fedora has accessibility support included in it’s life CD.

Orca can be started by pressing alt+superkey+s.

When I boot into live cd in virtualbox and press alt+superkey+s, nothing happens. I know it uses gnome desktop, so I tried pressing alt+f2 and typing: orca -on.

That also didn’t help.

Ins+space doesn’t open orca preferences.

I remember there were issues with running orca in fedora live cd, but I didn’t get into details that time.

Is there any suggestion how I can start orca there?

Thank you.

Best regards,


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