Hi there. Cuneiform is also a thing, and I believe it does layout annalisis as well, idk about it’s accessibility, but I think ocrfeeder and lios both support it. I also believe it’s accessible from a cli interface. From: Rastislav Kish via orca-list Hey there, so, as others already mentioned, there is Tesseract, now also with its neural networks based models. Although I have to admit, that I'm kind of lost in its versions and models. I have installed data from the Ubuntu's repository, but somewhere I've read those are not the bestones, but rather a compromise between quality and speed. So, IDK. There is also FineReader engine, which seems quite complex. Although I wonder, does anyone here actually have it? I've read somewhere something about 10000 pages limit after buying a licence, but I have no idea whether it's true for home users or not. Abbyy support is one of the worst I've ever seen, may be I just didn't have luck, but they did not answer single of my emails. The price is also quite hidden. I recall something about $180, but I was not able to find it when I last checked. Their site is quite a drag. But the quality is good, that's true. Best regards Rastislav Dňa 1. 3. 2021 o 8:53 mattias jonsson via orca-list napÃsal(a): maybe this has been asked before |