[orca-list] mint xfce and mint cinnamon

A few differences between the two mint flavors exist.
Cinnamon at the boot prompt for install if you type an s and hit enter you get disk action for a while and you have to have speaker volume really up for this you hear a chime when the system is ready to go. If you type alt-f2 orca orca does come up.
Xfce does not do this chime on boot.
I got cinnamon installed and figured to leave a few notes here for anyone else interested since there are a few notes. First, on each boot type super-alt-s to bring up orca for your login. After that, orca goes away.
Next after login type alt-f2 orca to bring orca up for your session.
I got into accessibility frame and visual but wasn't able to toggle anything as user. Maybe this has to be done as root. I checked /usr/share/applications and did not find gnome-orca.desktop and copying it from another location didn't improve orca's performance on login either. I haven't tried mint mate yet but for any who run mint mate you have an idea what you're missing by not running cinnamon and xfce. Cinnamon is mint's most popular flavor.

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