[orca-list] Focus mode deactivated when a notification is displayed


When I fill a text field on a webpage using Firefox, if a notification is displayed using notify-send within specifying a delay, focus mode is deactivated.

If "-t" parameter is not set or set to 0, focus mode stays on.

I use Mate Desktop with Orca master (Debian Buster).

Steps to reproduce:

1. Open a webpage and enable focus mode on a text field;

2. Open a terminal and type the following:

sleep 5 ; /usr/bin/notify-send -t 500 -a "TeamTalk" -u low "TeamTalk: test d'un message"

3. Go back to the web page and type in the text field;

4. Observe what happens when the notification is displayed and you are typing.

Actual behavior: focus mode is deactivated so navigation keys are used when you type and the cursor move instead of continuing filling the field.

Expected behavior: focus mode should stay active and we should be able to type in the text field.

Best regards,

Patrick ZAJDA

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