Re: [orca-list] [off-topic] Advice on setting up Raspberry Pi

I second the recommendation for checking out Raspberry VI.

That said, several people on that list have stated that Raw Write is
currently the most accessible utility for writing a Raspberry Pi OS
image to an SD card, especially if you use Windows Explorer(or
whatever Microsoft is calling their file manager these days)'s context
menu to open the .img with Raw Write. I don't use Windows, so I can
neither confirm nor deny such claims, though both Etcher and the
Raspberry Pi Foudnation's official imager have gotten several reports
of accessiblity issues from both JAWS and NVDA users in recent weeks.

I know nothing about Noobs, but if you write a Raspberry Pi OS image
directly to an SD card, all you need to do is put a blank file named
ssh in the SD card's boot partition... and while a Raspberry Pi image
generally has two partitions, I'm pretty sure lack of support for
Linux file systems will render the card's system partition invisible
to Windows and only the boot partition will show up in Windoes

Also, I'm pretty sure there was a new version of Raspberry Pi OS
released this month... that said, it's been a bit hit or miss whether
people have had success using the accessiblity hotkey to get Orca
running on the official images... The most common issue sounds to be
RasPi OS not configuring sound output correctly(such as failing to use
the internal sound card if it doesn't find an external sound card or
defaulting to HDMI for sound even when the 3.5mm jack is the only
thing with any speakers plugged into it).

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