Re: [orca-list] Strange sound issue

Hi Devin,

this depends on your audio settings, either the default ones provided by the
distribution you use or your customized ones.

So to help you we need to know which distribution and version you use and the
customization you made if any.

As an aside Orca by itself is not involved, as it relies on speech-dispatcher
for setting the audio output.

Cheers, Didier

Le 29/01/2021 à 13:11, Devin Prater via orca-list a écrit :
Hi all. Recently, I've been messing with sound stuff; I probably should
just leave all that alone, but I haven't done anything drastic. But now,
if anything like ESpeakup or Fenrir is started, nothing else can use
sound. I have Pulseaudio set to start and enabled with systemctl --user
enable pulseaudio, and that works now, but sound is tied to one thing,
the first thing that starts up. ESpeakup handles this a little better;
when I run IRSSI with sounds, the sound plays when ESpeakup is done
talking, and then it takes a second for sound to be given back to ESpeakup.

Any ideas? For now, I've disabled all Console screen readers and just
log in with Braille, and then startx (exec mate session), and things
work normally, things can play sound at the same time and such.

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