[orca-list] Quesiton about Orca and braille, and test with gmail webmail

Hello everyone.I'm writing to ask a question, as mentioned in the subject, about Orca and braille with brltty: I don't know if this is a bug or not, but orca or BRLTTy does not let me type with the Perkins style keyboard i have on my focus 40 5gh  gen from Freedomscientific, and i'd like to know if this happens to everyone who uses braille support extensively. that beeing, do you need to necessarily type with the keyboard, the qwerty keyboard i mean, or can you do something to enable typing with the Perkins style keyboard of a braille display?
And as i said, this is also a test with the gmail webport in Crhome, using standard view, which i'm finding myself using more than Tb for sure.
Thankyou in advance for your answers, and i also hope this email actually sends without a problem, since this is my first time actually composing one in here.
Best regards.

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