Re: [orca-list] zoom and orca mind your versions

I have installed some packages from Flatpak and have mixed results. Audacity and Pithos installed from Flatpak seem to work just as well as the versions from repositories or built from source. On the other hand, I can't seem to get other things such as audacious to speak. It's only a guess at this point, but I'm thinking that since GTK3 no longer appears to need specific environment variables set in order to run, the flatpak versions of these apps will have little to no trouble speaking. On the other hand, if an application needs flags specified on its command line or environment variables to be set, as is the case with qt and electron apps, then they may fail to speak. You may try running flatpak inside of a terminal to find the name of the package and then using a command like

ACCESSIBILITY_ENABLED=1 flatpak run name.of.package --force-renderer-accessibility --enable-caret-browsing

to run Zoom. Depending on the version of Chromium/Chrome used to run the flatpak version of electron applications, any or all these flags may be needed. It should also be possible to incorporate the flags and environment variable into the .desktop file used internally by flatpak to get the application listed in All Applications, but that is assuming that running a similar command to the one above makes it speak. As I said, my experience with flatpak applications has been a mixed bag, and is actually rather limited as a result, so your mileage may vary, and is certainly not guaranteed. Hope this helps.


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