Re: [orca-list] To anyone who has used the Manjaro talking arcitech installer.

Were you using clean disks for your mount points?  That could make a
difference.  In the earlier version of architect I tried doing a secure
wipe as the first step in disk preparation and it ran for a while and then
failed stating it had detected attempted stack smashing.  I don't know if
that's a wipefs bug, it may be.

On Sat, 21 Aug 2021, matthew dyer via orca-list wrote:

Hi all anyone who has ever gotten the Manjaro talking installer architect installer to work.  My problem is 
with mounting partitions.  After choosing the format and mount points, I get a mount failed message.  
Anyone here ever got this to work?  Is there something I am doing wrong or is this a major bug in the 
installer?  Someone on here seem to get it working all though I think they had a problem with getting 
certain packages to install, but that may be another matter for another time.

If anyone has gotten this to work, would you please pass this along?  Jude I think you were the one who 
brought this up the other day?  Thanks.


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