Re: [orca-list] Anyone else experiencing Firefox 91 crashes?

On Mon, Aug 16, 2021 at 04:50:53PM -0300, José Vilmar Estácio de Souza wrote:
Over and over again, though I still don't know how to reproduce it.
My distro is arch linux with all updates.

bug[1] was fixed in firefox 91.0.1 new release is already available
in archlinux.


On 8/16/21 3:04 PM, Didier Spaier via orca-list wrote:
This issue happens here on Slint only if Orca is active (using a
repackaged official binary of firefox-91).

This is consistent with Alexander's assumption

Didier Spaier
Slint maintainer
diider (at) slint (dot) fr

Le 16/08/2021 à 19:25, Linux for blind general discussion a écrit :
On Mon, Aug 16, 2021 at 02:46:25PM +0000, Linux for blind general
discussion wrote:
Hello list,

I don't remember when did I update my software the last time,
but I have
Firefox 91 64-bit installed and in the few recent days, it's crashing
quite intensively.

Like, I launch it, type something into the search field... Crash!

I launch it again, type google url to the search field, enter my search
term on the page and while typing... Crash!

I want to install an addon and even if I somehow manage to enter my
query and get the search results, when I actually click on
one... Crash!

It's really annoying, the browser is almost unusable. My cache and
cookies are cleared automatically after every run, so this shouldn't be
the source of the issues.

I've tried the troubleshooting mode and it behaves in the same way, so
extensions also don't seem to be guilty.

I have even downloaded a portable version of the browser from the
Mozilla website and it crashes as well.

The only thing that comes on my mind that it's a bug in the
browser, but
I didn't find anything about it when searching.

Does anyone have similar experiences?

Firefox 91.0 64-bit, Ubuntu mate 20.04 64-bit.

Best regards


i faced this problem too. for now I have rolled back to ff 90.0.2
and try to use chrom whenever possible.
I think these crashes have something to do with the accessibility
stack. otherwise they would have been noticed earlier.

Sincerely, Alexander

Sincerely, Alexander

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