Really appreciate the accessibility updates you have taken the time to implement. Is there anything in particular that isn’t accessible for those of us that want to try out KDE?
“ Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye.”~ Helen Keller
On Apr 21, 2021, at 8:08 PM, Alexander Epaneshnikov via orca-list <orca-list gnome org> wrote:
22.04.2021 3:03, Kyle via orca-list пишет:
Nice find. I wasn't aware of lightdm-slick-greeter. I'm guessing that
like lightdm-gtk-greeter, it can be configured to start orca
Lightdm-gtk-greeter does have the added benefit of the
graphical configuration tool, which needs a little work, but is pretty
much usable.
haven't used it so can't comment.
But on a new install, as long as /etc/lightdm/lightdm-
slick-greeter.conf can contain a line that starts orca or a shortcut
key can be pressed that starts it, it does sound like another good
yes default gnome shortcut will start orca.
In fact, if the shortcut works, it will be somewhat better than
lightdm-gtk-greeter, as its shortcut for some reason doesn't work for
me, and I had to configure it manually.
as far as I remember, everything works out of the box. at least I didn't have to change any configs.
except of course lightdm.conf
Sincerely, Alexander.
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