Re: [orca-list] free voices other than espeak

Perhaps the better question is:

Is there a way to install RH Voice without building from source? and
if there isn't, why not?

Building from source isn't necessarily "hard" but it is an extra level
of hassle that I think most users would rather avoid and that most
will settle for something that's "good enough" that's a simple sudo
apt-get install away over trying to build something better from source
and debugging when something goes wrong with the build process... I've
built stuff both from git clones and from gzipped tarballs before, but
I still prefer to stick to what I can get from the Debian repositories
or as a manually installed .deb package even if that sometimes means
running slightly outdated versions(I tend to use Debian Testing, so I
don't run into the same level of obsolescence you get later in the
life cycle of Debian Stable without backports).

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