Re: [orca-list] Using eMacSpeak


"Glenn K0LNY" <glennervin cableone net> writes:

I am wondering / considering putting eMacSpeak on my Raspberry PI Zero.
I would like to hear from some users, and also from anyone who does not like

On my desktop, I use Emacs + Speechd-el which is more up to date.

I tried Stormux, but it did not seem to work at all on the zero.

If you use a Zero, how do you have sound? There is no sound card.

I don't want to go out and read about eMacSpeak, I just want to hear from
some of you.
For example, is it a CLI program, or does it require a desktop?

It works only in Emacs.

Does it take a lot of RAM?

I don't think so. It would depend on your TTS.

The RPI zero only has 512 MB of RAM.

Yes. I use only Braille. But if you have any solution to have sound, I'm'

I have loaded up the desktop and installed Orca, but that runs pretty

You're a ranger! :-)


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