Re: [orca-list] Question about copy and paste link text

Thanks. The control-shift-V was offered as another solution. It's actually kind of a useful feature to be able to copy the html code in some cases, now that I think about it. I'm not sure why I just recently started struggling with it. It's not just email, but any edit field like a forum post, or Facebook post. I'm sure I've copied text in links before without it drawing in the whole link and html code when I pasted it.

On 9/20/20 6:55 AM, Kyle wrote:
Oh I've seen this before. It has to do with copying the word in the link into an HTML email. You can do one of two things to correct this. You can either paste the text into a text editor first, then recopy the text and paste it into your message, or you can switch your email client or just the specific message formatting to plain text. Then when you paste the link text, only the text will show up. Hope it helps.


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