how do you install it?
Den 25 maj 2020 01:36:09 skrev Jason White <jason jasonjgw net>:
I have a fast machine and also installed dbus-broker, both of which contribute to performance (in Thunderbird and presumably elsewhere too).
On 5/23/20 5:24 PM, mattias jonsson via orca-list wrote:
i cant get evolution to work. and answer emails in evolution should we not talk about
Den 22 maj 2020 17:46:40 skrev Krishnakant Mane via orca-list <orca-list gnome org>:
This problem is very much there albeit got drastically reduced in versions released off late.
Now I have a thinkpad with a SSD and 8 GB ram so I hardly face this issue.
On 22/05/20 7:07 pm, Rastislav Kiss via orca-list wrote:
Hi there,not just slow, but when I opened my 53000 mails folder in Tb, it was a killer.Orca got completely out, even alt+super+s didn't work at first. After many tries, it was possible to restart it from time to time, getting stuck again when approaching Thunderbird's window.Thus I use Evolution for my mails. :)
Best regards
RastislavV Piatok, 22. máj 2020 o 06:10 -0400, Norman King napÃsal(a):Hi all.
I seem to have some vague memories of something like this being discussed a while back.
If you have large mail folders in thunderbird orca will stop responding for a while if you attempt to open the folder.
I know this was an issue on 3.2.8 and am wondering if it's still an issue?
I would test it out myself but don't currently have a linux box set up so can't.
The reason this comes up is because of this thunderbird bug, and i'm wondering if this has the same root cause?
I'd appreciate some comments.
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