Re: [orca-list] Possible to improve continuous read in VSCode?

Thanks, subscribed.

On 5/20/20 11:40 AM, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Looks like we'll need this fixed in VSCode.

On 5/20/20 12:04, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
I can confirm the problem. Will look into it.

On 5/20/20 12:00, Nolan Darilek wrote:
Damn, I was a bit too enthusiastic. The repetition isn't happening, but the cursor doesn't move. So text gets read, but when I stop and start reading again, the cursor is where I began. Not sure if that's old Chromium or something else.

Either way, thanks again.

On 5/20/20 10:57 AM, Nolan Darilek wrote:
Nice, works beautifully. Thanks, VSCode is inching ever closer to being my goto text/development environment.

On 5/20/20 10:53 AM, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Ok, I believe I've fixed the issue with SayAll by line repeating the editor information. The sentence stuff will have to wait for later versions of Electron.

On 5/20/20 11:30, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Sentence boundaries used to be broken in Chromium.
I can reproduce the problem with the editor name being 
re-presented using Insiders, so I'll see about fixing that.

On 5/20/20 10:52, Nolan Darilek wrote:
I know, old version of Electron, etc. Hard to know whether this has since been fixed in Chromium and will be a non-issue in a few months, or if it slipped beneath the radar.

I like how VSCode restores previous sessions, along with positions in files. I started experimenting with it as a way to read text-based technical documents converted with pdftotext, since that makes a mess of the formatting. The idea is that, if I want better insight into a piece of code, I can copy it straight into another tab and have it automatically formatted on paste. I can also run it directly using extensions.

I notice that continuous read in the editor doesn't quite work. It works well enough once it starts, but it often jumps far up in the text, then starts reading from that point. I have Orca set to read by sentences, and it jumps further up than the previous sentence boundary. It does continue reading normally, though.

I've also set it to read by line. In this case it works better in that it doesn't jump, but it speaks the name of the editor between each line.

To reproduce:

1. Open VSCode. (I've only tested with latest stable, not Insiders, though I have no reason to think Insiders would behave differently.)
2. Open a long text document in the editor.

3. Focus on the editor and switch to Focus mode.

4. Arrow to a position lower down in the text and start continuous-read.
5. For me, reading begins far above the cursor if Sentence mode 
is used. It begins on the same line as the cursor when Line mode 
is active, but the filename followed by "editor" is spoken 
between each line.

Thanks a bunch.

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