[orca-list] Chromium: If you are having problems with Orca saying nothing....

Hey all.

Based on Patrick's debug.out, those of you who are having problems with the recent version of google-chrome-unstable *may* be having issues due to missing events from Chromium. These events tell Orca that you are in the Chromium window and also let Orca figure that out in a pinch.

Because I cannot reproduce this problem yet myself, I have just committed a change to Orca master which *may* work around the problem. Then again it may not. Either way, I would really love a full debug.out from those of you who are having the problem. Because even if I am successfully working around the problem, the work around might cause Orca to get sluggish on giant pages or web apps. And if I'm not, I need more clues.

Instructions on how to capture a full debug.out can be found at https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/Orca/Debugging.

I look forward to your results and giant output files. :)

Thanks again!

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