Re: [orca-list] Combo List Issues in Cups -- Both Firefox & Chromium Broken?

Hi, Didier:

Yes, you're right. My problem is I can never remember the command names,
let alone all the arguments you need to string together to get these
console utilities to work. I guess I just don't do this task often

I used to use lynx, so I never learned the commands, though I've always
been aware they're available even when I can't remember them by name.

Listen to me defending the value of the gui. Miss Console herself!



Orca screen reader developers writes:
Howdy Janina,

I havent used cups since a long time but can't you use the
console apps like lpadmin, lpoptions, lpinfo instead of the
web browser interface?



Le 02/03/2020 à 12:09, Janina Sajka via orca-list a écrit :
Hi, All:

I recently got a new printer. Naturally, I want to configure it to
function from my linux computers. That means working with cups.

Last time I did this, cups still worked with lynx and I had no issues.
But, the cups of today no longer functions with lynx. So, I turn to
firefox and chromium and fail on both as follows:

After logging in as administrator I try to setup my new printer. I note
the setup doesn't go well. I cannot reliably set my new model as the
default. My old default configuration is still there, even though that
old printer is physically gone.

OK. I need to delete the old printer configuration files--and that's
where the trouble starts.

I ask cups to list out my printers. It lists one printer, the old one I
want to delete. Perfect.

Next I go to the first of the combo lists, the one where the top default
choice is "Maintanance" and try to arrow down. No joy. No joy either
with Ctrl+Down-Arrow.

It's one of those stupid combo lists where the selection is effect as
soon as you arrow to the item.

Chromium doesn't work at all with this combo box. Ctrl+Down-Arrow does
nothing for me in Chromium.

Firefox appears to work, but after pressing Ctrl+Down-Arrow in Firefox I
get the message about the page auto-refreshing. If I explore the screen
before accepting the auto refresh, I see that I am indeed on the second
item in the combo list, Print Test Page. However, there's no way to get
to the third, fourth, etc., items that I can find. Accepting the
autorefresh sets the top selection back.

I have been unable to find where, if anywhere, I can prevent Firefox
from autorefreshing.

<begin rant>
What's with refreshing on localhost anyway? How smart/stupid is that on
a sale of 0 to 1?
<end rant>

Any suggestions much appreciated. Is it me? Or a bug somewhere--probably
in cups itself?


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Janina Sajka

Linux Foundation Fellow
Executive Chair, Accessibility Workgroup:

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures

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