Re: [orca-list] Latest orca.

Thank you for the info.  No, I hadn't seen the blog post.  I added the line to slapt-getrc and will see what happens in the next day or so.


On 1/13/20 1:48 PM, Didier Spaier wrote:
Hello Al an All,

as you actually want to try Chromium with Orca on Slint, you could just
follow the instructions on this blog post:
(but maybe you already read it).

I will update for Slint both Orca (to version 3.35.3 released 10 days
ago) and Chromium (if a new testing version is available) tonight, so
you won't have to use git.

I will post on the Slint mailing list when done, so you will know when
you can begin testing if you want to use the latest Orca

As stated in the blog post you will need to enable the slint-wip
repository to get chromimum using slapt-get.

To do that, as root add this line at the end of the file

then run (when the new Orca will be available)
slapt-get -u
slapt-get --upgrade
slapt-get -i google-chrome-instable

You could do that right now as it is already available, but it won't
hurt to try instead with the new version of orca and maybe chromium.



@ All: if anyone wants to try an accessible mini slint without
installing it, I provide one already installed in a Qemu image that can
also be transferred to a hard disk or converted to a format compatible
with VirtualBox or VMWare, cf.:

Le 13/01/20 à 18:30, Al Sten-Clanton a écrit :

I seem to have installed orca after following all but the last of your instructions, which I think is this 

git archive --worktree-attributes --prefix=${pkgname}-$gitrev/ mainline | xz > $CWD/orca-${gitrev}.tar.xz

I didn't use this last command because flat review in orca would not bring me to the command so that I could 
check some of the letters I wasn't sure of.

I next checked the version of orca I was running.  I turned orca off and on again, and once more checked the 
version.  It was the same, 3.35.4pre, making me think I was not running the version of orca I thought I'd 
installed.  I checked my path, and it seems to be correct.

What is the purpose of the command I quoted above?  Can I use it after installing orca, assuming I actually 
have installed it?  May I have done something else wrong?

Also, my purpose in attempting this orca upgrade was to get a version that might work with chromium.  I did 
not find chromium using either --show or --search with slapt-get, and there's no man page for it on my 
machine.  Is it available from Slint?

Thanks for whatever anybody can tell me.


On 1/5/20 6:45 PM, Didier Spaier via orca-list wrote:

you can get a released compressed archive here:

or clone the git repo and make a compressed archive:
git clone
( cd orca
git pull
gitrev=git$(git log -n 1 --format=format:%h .)
git archive --worktree-attributes --prefix=${pkgname}-$gitrev/ mainline | xz > $CWD/orca-${gitrev}.tar.xz

Now if your question actually is "how to upgrade using this compressed
archive", to answer we need to know your distribution and version.



Le 6/01/20 à 00:18, Hwaen Ch'uqi via orca-list a écrit :

I would like to upgrade to the latest orca version, but I cannot find
a lucid explanation of how to do it, whether from source or from
something like git. Can anyone point to a clear reference?

Thank you so much.

Hwaen Ch'uqi
GNOME Universal Access guide:

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