[orca-list] a couple Jenux notes

For those installing gnome on Jenux, yes it can be done.  I have a system
with it working.
Remember to get root access do the following:
1) run a command with super or alt-f2,
2) run /usr/bin/gnome-terminal,
3) run sudo -i and respond with your user password,
4) good idea to run pacman-key --populate while in root,
5) any other items that didn't add to the system you may be able to try
adding now.  audiosoundquake-latest failed on my system,
6) exit out two times to leave root and the gnome-terminal environments
and you're back in userland.

It would be helpful for when packages failed to install a
failed-packages.log could be saved to a standard location so if a system
installed well enough to work but not perfectly we could try correcting it
once started.
Last update has a date of 2019-07-31 on it and I verified the download on
the way to burning it which is how I got an arch-flavored talking gnome
with orca running.


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