Re: [orca-list] Run Orca in Ratpoison

Mr Dragon,
Excellent job.
It works even while using Ratpoison with dummi video driver on Arch Linux.
I Am not using Ratpoison on Android device, I Am running ArchLinux on Termux
and I can even use all Seamonkey function including E-mail. Somebody have
recoded Seamonkey for ARM64 so shared memory is not being used or there is
An two various codes if SHMEM is not presnted.
On 2017 I have not been able to use all Seamonkey function on Android
I can use x11vnc and Simple remote from Jordanov and I Am happy.
Sure. On some complex pages, Orce structual navigation code fails, because
system is over preprocessed. But on simple pages, Orca work like A charm.
So it is good opportunity for many visually impaireds, since Ratpoison uses
minimal software resources.

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