Re: [orca-list] Volume Controls With Alsamixer

Thanks Chris,
It does work, but it is so distorted, like the pre-amp is too high, I can't really understand it.
If I do page up or page down in alsamixer, I can tell that is what it is saying because I just pressed the key, otherwise, it would just sound like noise coming from the speaker.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, August 07, 2020 11:16 AM
Subject: Re: [orca-list] Volume Controls With Alsamixer

Have you tried muting/unmuting the master channel? When you bring up alsamixer, press 'm'. It is a toogle, so if you don't hear any sound, then its muted. If that's the case, press again before exiting.

Chris AI6U
On 8/6/20 10:05 AM, Glenn K0LNY wrote:
I put another speaker on it that I can control the volume.
But it is so distorted, it is unintelligible.
Does anyone know how to change the pre-amp?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2020 12:00 PM
Subject: Re: [orca-list] Volume Controls With Alsamixer


Bring up alsamixer and it defaults at "master volume. Just up arrow, and the volume should hopefully increase.

Chris AI6U
On 8/5/20 9:43 PM, Glenn K0LNY wrote:
I'm trying Buster Armbian on my Pine A64 LTS.
It has 2GB of RAM.
Looks like I got Orca going on it, but the volume is so low, it is unintelligable.
So I did ctrl alt T for terminal
Then I logged in as root, as I usually do.
Then I ran alsamixer
And I need to know the keyboard commands for changing the volume.
I can SSH into it, and I have been trying commands like
amixer -c 0 set Master 50%
but no matter if I use 0 or 1, it does not know the simple device Master.
I have tried amixer scontrols
and I get nothing but the command line prompt back.
aplay -l does not show me anything.
I have a speaker in the headphone jack, and have not ever plugged in HDMI.
So it would seem that the easiest way would be to have some keyboard commands in alsamixer for changing the volume.
For some reason, in this distro, the armbian-config does not work well with teraterm or putty, and it seems equally bad with alsamixer during an SSH session.

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