Re: [orca-list] suggestion for variants voice in orca

Hello Criss,

Orca use the synthesizers and voices available for Speech Dispatcher,
so for this to work you just need to have espeak-bg built including
the klatt variants.

Then, in the Voices Tab of the Orca preferences you can set for instance:
Synthesizer: espeak-ng
Language: en-GB
and in the drop down Person control you will have listed all variants
associated with en-GB, like below:

English (Great Britain)
Englsih (Great Britain)+Andrea
English (Great Britain)+Andy

and so on.

It you don't have these "person" listed, maybe your espeak-ng doesn't
include the klatt variants, or you have a too old Orca and/or
Speech Dispatcher.

What are your distribution its version, and the versions of espeak-n,
orca ans Speech Dispatcher?  

The "Person" as labeled in Orca is actually a voice name, + possibly a
variant (not the symbolic name as defined by SSIP).

Also, Andrea, Michael, Pablo, Max etc. are not voices but variants, so
they can only be used be associated with a voice name, not "standalone"

I hope this clarify things a bit.



Le 29/04/2020 à 18:48, Criss via orca-list a écrit :

I wudl like suggest that Orca enable all variant voices of espeak-ng for default. This is achevied editing 
the conf file in: "/etc/speechdistpacher/modules/espeak-ng.conf" and change the line 
"EspeakListVoiceVariant 0" for "EspeakListVoiceVariants 1". I think this is most easy for the users and is 
a litle change for the developers.

To day, in "person" dialog, Orca show diferent accent (no person): american english and british english, 
spain spanich and latin american spanish etc, but don't show espeak-ng person like: Andrea, Michael, Pablo, 
Max etc (they are person). If Orca include all variant for default, "person" dialog going to be most 
coherent too.

best regards.

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