Re: [orca-list] Nautilus crashing with Orca master

Oh, that's special. <insert eyeroll here> But yeah, I just was able to crash Nautilus.
I can't imagine what I am doing to make Nautilus (or Gtk+) so unhappy, 
but I'll see if I can get a stacktrace and report the bug so they can 
fix it.

On 4/22/20 12:16, Nick Wood wrote:
Hi all,

Anybody else having problems with Nautilus after updating Orca master today?
Steps to reproduce:

1. Launch nautilus (in my case by pressing F2 and entering "nautilus").
2. Orca says "Home frame. List with 20 items. Recent."
3. Press right arrow to move into the list of files. Orca says "Icon view".
4. Use the arrows to navigate through the list of files. Orca says "Canvas" and Nautilus seg faults.
Fedora 30, Gnome 3.32, Orca master.


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