Re: [orca-list] Track URL on spotify.

I just gave this a try. It looks like this is a spotify problem more than anything. I'll dig into it a bit more, though. In the meantime, here's what I had to do:

1. Move to the more button.
2. Click on it using Orca's left-click command. This is needed because
   neither Enter nor Space work on that button even when Orca isn't
   running. I have to use the mouse to click on it when Orca isn't
3. Now that you've clicked on the "more" button, a menu will pop up.
   Move to it using Orca's flat review next-line command. This is needed
   because unfortunately, this menu is added to the very end of the
   accessibility tree (after everything else in the playlist). In
   addition, Spotify doesn't give it keyboard focus. These two things
   combined mean you cannot just arrow down into it. But the menu
   visually does appear just beneath the "more" button so flat review
   next line should work.
4. When you get to the "copy link location" option, click on it using
   Orca's left-click command. This is needed because this menu is not
   keyboard accessible.


On 4/1/20 02:19, Hwaen Ch'uqi via orca-list wrote:
Greetings again,

I am resubmitting my query. When using the web version of spotify with
orca, I am unable to get the URI of a track. Next to the "follow"
button, there is a "more" button. Activating this should provide
options including a share option, but activating the "more" button -
whether by the spacebar, return, or Alt-Shift-b and then choosing
Activate - yields nothing. Is this a bug with orca, or am I missing
something? I am using firefox.

Thank you again for any help.

Hwaen Ch'uqi

On 3/19/20, Hwaen Ch'uqi <hwaenchuqi gmail com> wrote:

Can anyone advise me how to grab the URL of a particular track on
spotify? I should clarify that I have arrived at the track by clicking
on its title from the album page. When I press `C-l', the URL in the
address bar remains that of the album. Currently, I must do a google
search of the track title itself and then access the "copy link
location" option. Somehow, I cannot access that same option when
navigating the spotify player. Thank you for any help.

Hwaen Ch'uqi

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