Re: [orca-list] Track URL on spotify.

Greetings again,

I am resubmitting my query. When using the web version of spotify with
orca, I am unable to get the URI of a track. Next to the "follow"
button, there is a "more" button. Activating this should provide
options including a share option, but activating the "more" button -
whether by the spacebar, return, or Alt-Shift-b and then choosing
Activate - yields nothing. Is this a bug with orca, or am I missing
something? I am using firefox.

Thank you again for any help.

Hwaen Ch'uqi

On 3/19/20, Hwaen Ch'uqi <hwaenchuqi gmail com> wrote:

Can anyone advise me how to grab the URL of a particular track on
spotify? I should clarify that I have arrived at the track by clicking
on its title from the album page. When I press `C-l', the URL in the
address bar remains that of the album. Currently, I must do a google
search of the track title itself and then access the "copy link
location" option. Somehow, I cannot access that same option when
navigating the spotify player. Thank you for any help.

Hwaen Ch'uqi

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