[orca-list] sticky caps lock with orca

Hi all.

One thing that had been bothering me for a long time was the fact that sometimes the caps lock key on my laptop was turned on against my will.

To turn it off I had to press caps lock several times and in some cases had to restart the orca.

This was a serious problem for me because I use the terminal very often and ended up typing the commands in uppercase.

I started to notice that the problem seems to happen right after I use a key sequence that makes use of the ctrl + Alt keys, for example ctrl + alt + t to launch another instance of the terminal.

Inspecting my .bashrc file I found the following line:

setxkbmap -option ctrl:ralt_rctrl

This line was included by me at least 10,000 years ago to transform the key to the right of the spacebar into the right ctrl key.

Just comment this line and restart the computer for the problem to disappear, at least so far.

Maybe it is still early to celebrate, but I decided to write to list because maybe it can help others who have the same problem.

A side effect of my solution is that I can't now use the right ctrl key, which I miss.

I would like to warmly thank everyone who directly or indirectly collaborated in solving this problem.

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