Re: [orca-list] firefox and audio playback in linux?

Public Service Announcement: Chromium and Orca are still a work in
progress and many things don't quite work yet. These are all known
issues. Official support won't be in place until the GNOME 3.34 release.
At that time we'll put out a call for testing.


On 5/8/19 3:27 PM, Didier Spaier wrote:
Hello Jude,

I just tried  on Slint.

Orca begins to read the page.

At the end, just press Tab then Enter and
you hear the second page.
At the boot there are two sentences , you should chose one of them
I agree to the above and wish to participate tp this study
I do not agree to the above and do not wish to participate to this study
Too select the one just spoken press space: it says "selected"
Press Tab then Enter to go to the next page, ans so on.

You can use the Tab keys as well as the up and down to navigate.

I don't understand what you mean with these sound clips, I jsut see
simple pages with a text and  a form with select-able choices

I don't think there be any issue with firefox and pulsaudio,

I reproduce below the text displayed on the two first pages.



Page 1 below

Information About the Study

This research is done as part of the MPhil degree  in Theoretical  and Applied  linguistics by Enes Saribas 
 under the supervision of  Dr. Napoleon Katsos. This research seeks to understand how you use and interpret 
language, looking at both congenitally blind and sighted populations.

To participate in this study, you will need to be 18 or older and have English as your first language. 
Moreover, you should not have any other conditions (such as hearing loss, learning difficulties, or 
autism). This study should take no longer than 35-40 minutes to complete. Please make sure that you have 
set aside this  amount of time.

In the study, you will listen to audio dialogues and answer questions about them. Therefore please make 
sure that you have a stable internet connection and your  browser and computer are able to  play audio. 

If you have any questions or comments, please contact Enes Saribas (es777 cam ac uk) or my supervisor Dr. 
Napoleon Katsos (nk248 cam ac uk).
Powered by Qualtrics

Page 2 below

Consent Form

Please read the following information carefully. If you wish to participate in the study please provide 
your consent by checking the “I agree to the above” checkbox below. 

    I confirm that I have read and understand the information sheet for the abovementioned study and have 
had the opportunity to ask questions.
    I confirm that I am 18 years or older and that English is my first language.
    I confirm that if I have a condition, it is only congenital blindness and not any other condition.
    I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I am free to withdraw at any time, without 
giving any reason, and without my rights being affected.
    I understand that any data that are collected will be used and stored anonymously, in accordance with 
the Data Protection Act. Results are normally presented in terms of groups of individuals. If any 
individual data were presented, the data would be completely anonymous, without any means of identifying 
the individuals involved.
    I understand that these data may be used in analyses, publications, and conference presentations by 
researchers at the University of Cambridge and their collaborators at other research institutions. I give 
permission for these individuals to have access to these data.
    I understand that personal information (such as age, gender, condition of my sight etc.) will be 
collected as part of this research. Full data will only be accessible to the research team. However, 
anonymised data may be used in analyses, publications and conference presentations. For full details on how 
we use your personal information, see
Please select one of the following options

I agree to the above and wish to participate tp this study
I do not agree to the above and do not wish to participate to this study

On 08/05/2019 20:58, Jude DaShiell wrote:
Apparently the problem here is firefox pulseaudio dependency.  It's
about time to install chromium and see if that will work.

On Wed, 8 May 2019, Jude DaShiell wrote:

Date: Wed, 8 May 2019 13:59:05
From: Jude DaShiell <jdashiel panix com>
To: orca-list gnome org
Subject: [orca-list] firefox and audio playback in linux?

I got onto a survey page with sound clips and with orca and firefox in use
the buttons to make these clips play appear inaccessible.  Each of these
buttons is inside a panel.  I hit enter on the panel and that seemed to
open the panel and couldn't find anything clickable like I was supposed to
be able to find.

is the url if anyone has the time to try this one out.  I have no add-ons
on this version of firefox yet so if firefox needs one or more of these
I'd like to know.

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