Re: [orca-list] Support automatic language selectoin

Hi Alex,

I meant that via SSML speech-dispatcher can set not only rate or volume or pitch, but also language. I wanted to know wheather orca may determine in which language some text is written and supply text for interpritation with appropriate SSML tags, or not.

As I mentioned above, speech-dispatcher (and espeak, too) support the feature. For example, you can type in your terminal:

kirillov:~ $    spd-say  -x '<s xml:lang="es"> 2 3 </s>'

And you'll hear the numbers in Spanish.

In any case, I have already got the answer. :)

With best regards,


On 21.01.2019 11:21, Alex ARNAUD wrote:
Le 19/01/2019 à 15:32, Kirillov Oleg via orca-list a écrit :
Hi all,

Hi Kirillov,

I have unother question. Does Orca support automatic language selection e.g. via SSML? And if it so, how to turn it on, and how to set the prefered languages?

As I know, it doesn't. The Orca language is determine by the language of your system and the voice language is configurable from the orca preferences.

To be honest, I'm not sure to have understood your question, why are you talking about SSML? The voice language and selection is not chosen by SSML, it's Orca that calls the Speech Dispatcher API to tell it "the voice is X, the rate is Y, etc".

Best regards,

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