Re: [orca-list] Cloudflare Help?

It does require the use of a terminal, but I've been able to add, edit and delete DNS records using a tool called cfcli. Install node..js and then run
sudo npm -g install cloudflare-cli
You will need a file in your home directory called .cfcli.yml that looks like

    token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    email: user domain ext
    domain: default.dom

So you will need to visit that website one more time to get an API token. Hopefully they didn't mess this up. After that, you just change my example e-mail address to the one you use to login, and set the default domain if you want one. I use n/a in my file, because I didn't want to specify a default. Once you have this in place,
cfcli help
should give you a good deal of information about the available commands and options, but since you are trying to add a couple of CNAMEs, the command should look something like
cfcli -d yourdomain.ext add -t CNAME example pointsto.domain.ext
Hope this helps.
Imetumwa kutoka maji

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