speech-dispatcher 0.8.8-3 and libspeechd 0.8.8-3 are just Arch linux specific rebuilds of the package. There are no new upstream changes. Arch linux specific change is that they officially require espeak-ng instead of espeak. Is it possible you do have some older version of eSpeak-ng installed from the AUR that may cause incompatibility? If you wish to live on bleeding edge, please reinstall espeak-ng-git from the AUR, otherwise install espeak-ng from the community repo. sudo pacman -S espeak-ng
If this is still not working for you, please look at the logs reading one of these files depending on how you are starting speech-dispatcher: /run/user/`id -u`/speech-dispatcher/log/speech-dispatcher.log
Hopefully by doing this you can find out what is going on on your system. For me this is all working great as I'm running up to date
Dňa 1. 1. 2019 o 15:34 José Vilmar
Estácio de Souza napísal(a):