[orca-list] More on submitting Orca bugs

I just tried, on the official Gitlab issues page for Orca to submit a bug report regarding Libreoffice Writer.

The problem is, I don't seem to see it now anywhere in the opened tab of issues. It appears there only still is 19 issues, not 20. So, I'm baffeled as to what in the world happened.

Does Joni first have to approve submissions? I didn't mark the checkbox stating it was confidential so, it should be showing up in theory, I'd think, shouldn't it?

I know I can post bug reports here, but I wanted to go the official hopefully correct way of doing this, by filing them on the gitlabs website. If I should just post the report here however, then do let me know, and I'll do so going forward.

My user name on gitlabs is


Hopefully that'll help yall find my submission... provided it didn't crap out on me, and indeed took.

I did this in Firefox on my Linux machine, and I'm still getting the hang of web browsing over there, so I might a done something wrong.


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