Re: [orca-list] Semi-OT: What would be the best distribution for an old netbook, please?


Hello Ollie, did not see that this was from you.

I'll write you a bit more off list later, but have to go right now.

should not be that terrible running vinux5, but you are on the low end when it comes to RAM. Can yiou expand your memory, i.e. add a 2nd memory module? Many netbooks allow expansion to 3 or 4 GB. The cpu is of course going to be a weakn ess no matter what, but ...

I personally do not care for mate in Vinux for much beyond testing it, but if you use some of the great ideas and solid configurations in vinux to Ubuntu mate that would be a viable option. \

To get the most for your buck as it were running fluxbox on Arch Linux truly rocks, my distro and GUI of choice. That being said, you need to be a patient person/good at understanding and following instructions and/or better a fairly experienced Linux user to use arch as your primary OS. If you have every installed talking arch then I can help you with the basics of getting fluxbox and a good group of aps installed and configured. If you have never installed arch-linux, go to the talking-arch page and look over instructions and the main arch installation page and see if it looks scarey, a bit daunting but doable, or no-prob/let's do it tonight. If the latter is your answer, well do it and I'll be glad to help a bit. If the middle answer is closer to how you feel then you may wish to go for it but might be best off starting out with mate. I've not run mate for a few years other than test drives of vinux5's mate nad a couple of ubuntu releases, but it did mostly work pretty nicely on Arch back when I did consider it for my #1 GUI.

You can put fluxbox on after mate and even switch back and forth between them with no conflicts unless something has changed that I'm unaware of.

Netbooks do have their issues, but I had a 2010 ventage msi machine that ran Arch-linux pretty darned nicely, and even did a fair job with Vinux. Gnome is a bit less resource intensive than unity, so if you have not tried it on vinux5 then you should before going for something completely new. You could do a few opther things to optimize your experience. The easiest and most obvious perhaps is to minimize multitasking. Also try using CLI aps with speakup for the tasks that lend themselves to this, I do use the command line a lot for both its user friendliness (not for everything, but some CLI apps are really easy to learn and use), and its performance, i.e lags pretty much go away for jobs that can be frustrating when done under a GUI desktop on less than robust hardware.

On 11-Feb-19 10:30, Mallard wrote:
Hello list,

I have an old netbook with 2GB of ram.

It has a 250GB SSd, and is currently running Windows 10, version 1803.

I also have Vinux 5.1 on it, but both operating systems have become incredibly slow (no wonder!).

I only use this machine when I travel, and would like to make it a Linux-only device.

Could anyone please recommend a distribution that would work at least acceptably on such a thing?

Unfortunately I can't remember what processor it has, but I've had it since 2010, so it's pretty old.

Thanks for any suggestion you can provide.



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