Re: [orca-list] Semi-OT: What would be the best distribution for an old netbook, please?


In my opinion - Ubuntu-MATE is the best distribution to date for those users who would like the simplest solution. Personally, I use the Ubuntu-OEM_Pack-MATE distribution from the Ukrainian company UALinux, because it contains the best set of software for me. In general - you need to choose the distribution on your own, without relying on someone s opinion. I can assert one hundred percent: at the moment, MATE is the most accessible desktop environment for the blind. Also, MATE consumes fewer resources, unlike, for example, the desktop environment of GNOME. On my computer, MATE consumes less than one gigabyte of RAM so I think that on your netbook MATE will work fine.

11.02.19 18:30, Mallard пише:
Hello list,

I have an old netbook with 2GB of ram.

It has a 250GB SSd, and is currently running Windows 10, version 1803.

I also have Vinux 5.1 on it, but both operating systems have become incredibly slow (no wonder!).

I only use this machine when I travel, and would like to make it a Linux-only device.

Could anyone please recommend a distribution that would work at least acceptably on such a thing?

Unfortunately I can't remember what processor it has, but I've had it since 2010, so it's pretty old.

Thanks for any suggestion you can provide.



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