Re: [orca-list] Possible Bug: Pre-testing of Orca with Chromium/Chrome

Hi, Joanie:

I will get you a set of steps that use Amazon. Meanwhile, I ran into the
same issue on ordering groceries just now.

I wasn't tracking how many chrome instances until things went squirrly
as indicated below:

1.)     Log onto Start putting things in your cart. Note, I
had about a dozen items today, an under $80 order.

2.)     Search for a couple items not on your "past purchases" list.
Things may have started to go wrong here, but I don't think so.

3.)     Select the book a delivery time option and try to book a time.
This is definitely where things went squirrly and unresponsive.

I never finished the order with Chromium. Instead, I logged in with
Firefox, where I noted that my time slot was not selected, though I
believed I'd done that with Chrome. So, I selected a slot and checkout

Total Chrome instances = 24
Total Firefox instances = 1


I will follow up with Amazon as soon as I get a minute to do that.


Joanmarie Diggs writes:
Hey Janina.

Thanks for the report! Could you please give me more specific steps to
reproduce this problem, such as a page to view, keys to press, etc.?


On 11/30/19 7:14 AM, Janina Sajka via orca-list wrote:
Hi, Joanie:

I may have found a flaw whilst using Amazon shopping the past few days.
Amazon uses a "More Details" label for some kind of pop up help that
drives Orca plus Chromium batty.

*   Speech becomes very unresponsive

*   That makes all the sense in the world, because when I go to a
*   root console and do:

    ps -t tty1 |grep -i chrome |wc -l

    I get like 15 or 17 instances. I do not see this problem using

    Let me know how to provide better info if interested. I should
    note that the Orca plus Chromium I'm using are as of last
    Saturday 23 November. I have not updated since, but am about to
    do so.




Janina Sajka

Linux Foundation Fellow
Executive Chair, Accessibility Workgroup:

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures

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