[orca-list] Help with accessible Fedora installation

Hey, hoping someone can give me pointers on this. I'm trying to reinstall Fedora on my desktop and am having trouble getting to a place where I can launch Orca.

I tried using the installation media for Fedora Silverblue, but I don't think the vanilla Fedora installers are accessible anymore. I think what I want is the live image, which should have both Orca and the installer. Am I correct about that?

If so, nothing I've done gets to an X session on the live media. Is there some sort of manual step I need to carry out to boot the live media above and beyond what's needed to boot from USB? I.e. do I need to press Enter, press some key combination to boot to a live vs. rescue image, etc.?

Assume I've done all the "is it plugged in?" type steps. I've used 2 different USB sticks and several writes of each. The Silverblue installer booted up fine, but again, I don't think the installer alone is accessible. So we're down to hardware incompatibilities between the live CD and needing to perform manual steps. Before I borrow a pair of eyeballs, I'd like to rule out the manual steps route.


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